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ISLAM AT A GLANCE by Maulana Sadruddin Islahi Content
(New English Version of Urdu “Islam Aik Nazar Main”)
Author Maulana Sadruddin Islahi
CONCEPT AND MEANING..............................................9-19
Basic Concepts of Islam....................................................9
Inherent Islam...................................................................9
Voluntary or Terminological Islam................................12
Islam and Man.................................................................13
The Religion of every Nation was Islam........................14
Islam is the Name of the Ultimate Religion only...........15
Reason for Distinction....................................................16
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS..................................................21
BELIEF IN ALLĀH...........................................................23-31
Meaning of the Belief in Allāh.......................................23
Ascribing Partners unto Allāh.........................................28
FAITH IN THE AFTER-LIFE...........................................33-40
Meaning of the Faith in the After-life.............................33
The Importance of the Faith in the After-life..................34
The Unbeliever’s Concept of Intercession......................35
Islamic Concept of Intercession......................................37
FAITH IN THE PROPHETHOOD....................................41-56
Need for Prophethood.....................................................41
Nature of Prophethood....................................................48
Universality of Prophethood...........................................49
Position of Prophet’s Teachings.....................................50
Innocence of Prophets.....................................................51
Position of Prophets........................................................53
Denying of a Single Prophet is also Disbelief................54
The Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). .56
4 Islam at a Glance
(Relating to the Practical Side of Islam)........................57-60
Pillars of Islam................................................................57
Admission of the Unity and the Prophethood.................59
Importance of Prayer in Islam.........................................61
Reason for the Vital Significance of Prayer...................64
Some Supplementary Objects of Prayer.........................66
Real Prayer......................................................................68
ZAKĀT (Poor-Due)...........................................................71-90
Importance of the Poor-Due............................................71
Objectives of the Zakāt (Poor-Due)................................75
Purification of the Soul...................................................75
Help of the Poor..............................................................79
Support of Islam..............................................................81
Quantum of the Poor-Due...............................................82
Management of the Poor-Due.........................................87
Variety of Terms Used for the Poor-Due........................89
FASTING (Saum).............................................................91-106
Special significance and features of the Fast..................91
Fast: A source of Piety....................................................91
Fast: An essential means of acquiring a Life of Piety....96
Fast: The Index of the Islamic concept of Piety.............98
Some Special Blessings of the Fast..............................103
Conditions for the attainment of the Objectives
of the Fast..................................................................106
THE PILGRIMAGE (Hajj)............................................107-125
The Importance of Pilgrimage......................................107
The Construction of Ka‘bah and its Significance.........108
Rites of the Pilgrimage..................................................113
The Pilgrimage and the Sentiments of Worship...........118
The Comprehensive Character of the Pilgrimage.........122
A Collective View of the Pillars of Islam.....................124
ISLAM AS A WAY OF LIFE........................................127-176
Various Concepts of Religion.......................................127
Islam at a Glance 5
Asceticism not permitted in Islam................................128
Islam does not cover Individual Life only....................131
Islam: A Complete Code of Life...................................133
Spiritual System............................................................135
Moral System................................................................136
Family Laws..................................................................143
Social System................................................................145
Economic System..........................................................157
Injunctions to the Rich in Respect of Providing
Needs of the Poor......................................................164
Legal Responsibilities of the Rich in Respect
to the Poor.................................................................166
Political System............................................................167
Legal System.................................................................173
RELIGION AND POLITICS : An Important ...............177-192
problem of Our Time........................................................177
Belief in Allāh and the Concept of Politics..................178
Islamic Law and Politics...............................................179
Adherence to Religion and the Authority
of Government..........................................................180
Politics is an integral part of the Religion.....................182
Islamic Government and Muslim Government.............184
Mission of the Prophets and the Power to Rule............186
Invitation to Islam and the Government.......................191
ISLAMIC LAW AND WORSHIP.................................193-210
Status of Worship..........................................................193
Meaning of Worship.....................................................194
Literal Meanings...........................................................195
Religious Connotation..................................................196
The term worship as used in the Qur’ān.......................198
Submission required by the Qur’ān..............................202
Special Importance of Pillars of Islam..........................205
Misunderstanding and Reason for it.............................208
ISLAM AND OTHER RELIGIONS..............................211-225
Concept of the Homogeneity of Religions....................211
Pre-eminence of the Prophethood of Muhammad
6 Islam at a Glance
(peace be upon him)..................................................212
Natural Consequences of the Pre-eminent Position
of the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) 217
Islam alone deserves to be followed.............................217
Islam, a pre-condition for Salvation..............................222
Special Requirements of the Pre-eminent position
of Islam.....................................................................226
Special Responsibilities of the Muslims.......................227
Meaning of the Testimony of Islam..............................233
Verbal Evidence............................................................233
Practical Evidence.........................................................237
Internal Jihād.................................................................240
Jihād through Intelligence and Invitation.....................243
Physical Jihād Or Jihād by means of Arms..................246
Forms of Jihād through War.........................................248
Conditions for Physical Jihād.......................................253
Importance of Jihād in the Religion..............................256
Internal Jihād.................................................................256
Jihād through Preaching and Reasoning.......................259
WORLDLY BLESSINGS OF ISLAM..........................271-288
Material Prosperity and the Apostolic Missions...........271
Islam Guarantees the Welfare of the Temporal World.274
Relations between the Observance of the Religion
and Prosperity...........................................................275
An Essential Condition for Material Prosperity............280
A Confusion and its Removal.......................................285
(New English Version of Urdu “Islam Aik Nazar Main”)
Author Maulana Sadruddin Islahi
CONCEPT AND MEANING..............................................9-19
Basic Concepts of Islam....................................................9
Inherent Islam...................................................................9
Voluntary or Terminological Islam................................12
Islam and Man.................................................................13
The Religion of every Nation was Islam........................14
Islam is the Name of the Ultimate Religion only...........15
Reason for Distinction....................................................16
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS..................................................21
BELIEF IN ALLĀH...........................................................23-31
Meaning of the Belief in Allāh.......................................23
Ascribing Partners unto Allāh.........................................28
FAITH IN THE AFTER-LIFE...........................................33-40
Meaning of the Faith in the After-life.............................33
The Importance of the Faith in the After-life..................34
The Unbeliever’s Concept of Intercession......................35
Islamic Concept of Intercession......................................37
FAITH IN THE PROPHETHOOD....................................41-56
Need for Prophethood.....................................................41
Nature of Prophethood....................................................48
Universality of Prophethood...........................................49
Position of Prophet’s Teachings.....................................50
Innocence of Prophets.....................................................51
Position of Prophets........................................................53
Denying of a Single Prophet is also Disbelief................54
The Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). .56
4 Islam at a Glance
(Relating to the Practical Side of Islam)........................57-60
Pillars of Islam................................................................57
Admission of the Unity and the Prophethood.................59
Importance of Prayer in Islam.........................................61
Reason for the Vital Significance of Prayer...................64
Some Supplementary Objects of Prayer.........................66
Real Prayer......................................................................68
ZAKĀT (Poor-Due)...........................................................71-90
Importance of the Poor-Due............................................71
Objectives of the Zakāt (Poor-Due)................................75
Purification of the Soul...................................................75
Help of the Poor..............................................................79
Support of Islam..............................................................81
Quantum of the Poor-Due...............................................82
Management of the Poor-Due.........................................87
Variety of Terms Used for the Poor-Due........................89
FASTING (Saum).............................................................91-106
Special significance and features of the Fast..................91
Fast: A source of Piety....................................................91
Fast: An essential means of acquiring a Life of Piety....96
Fast: The Index of the Islamic concept of Piety.............98
Some Special Blessings of the Fast..............................103
Conditions for the attainment of the Objectives
of the Fast..................................................................106
THE PILGRIMAGE (Hajj)............................................107-125
The Importance of Pilgrimage......................................107
The Construction of Ka‘bah and its Significance.........108
Rites of the Pilgrimage..................................................113
The Pilgrimage and the Sentiments of Worship...........118
The Comprehensive Character of the Pilgrimage.........122
A Collective View of the Pillars of Islam.....................124
ISLAM AS A WAY OF LIFE........................................127-176
Various Concepts of Religion.......................................127
Islam at a Glance 5
Asceticism not permitted in Islam................................128
Islam does not cover Individual Life only....................131
Islam: A Complete Code of Life...................................133
Spiritual System............................................................135
Moral System................................................................136
Family Laws..................................................................143
Social System................................................................145
Economic System..........................................................157
Injunctions to the Rich in Respect of Providing
Needs of the Poor......................................................164
Legal Responsibilities of the Rich in Respect
to the Poor.................................................................166
Political System............................................................167
Legal System.................................................................173
RELIGION AND POLITICS : An Important ...............177-192
problem of Our Time........................................................177
Belief in Allāh and the Concept of Politics..................178
Islamic Law and Politics...............................................179
Adherence to Religion and the Authority
of Government..........................................................180
Politics is an integral part of the Religion.....................182
Islamic Government and Muslim Government.............184
Mission of the Prophets and the Power to Rule............186
Invitation to Islam and the Government.......................191
ISLAMIC LAW AND WORSHIP.................................193-210
Status of Worship..........................................................193
Meaning of Worship.....................................................194
Literal Meanings...........................................................195
Religious Connotation..................................................196
The term worship as used in the Qur’ān.......................198
Submission required by the Qur’ān..............................202
Special Importance of Pillars of Islam..........................205
Misunderstanding and Reason for it.............................208
ISLAM AND OTHER RELIGIONS..............................211-225
Concept of the Homogeneity of Religions....................211
Pre-eminence of the Prophethood of Muhammad
6 Islam at a Glance
(peace be upon him)..................................................212
Natural Consequences of the Pre-eminent Position
of the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) 217
Islam alone deserves to be followed.............................217
Islam, a pre-condition for Salvation..............................222
Special Requirements of the Pre-eminent position
of Islam.....................................................................226
Special Responsibilities of the Muslims.......................227
Meaning of the Testimony of Islam..............................233
Verbal Evidence............................................................233
Practical Evidence.........................................................237
Internal Jihād.................................................................240
Jihād through Intelligence and Invitation.....................243
Physical Jihād Or Jihād by means of Arms..................246
Forms of Jihād through War.........................................248
Conditions for Physical Jihād.......................................253
Importance of Jihād in the Religion..............................256
Internal Jihād.................................................................256
Jihād through Preaching and Reasoning.......................259
WORLDLY BLESSINGS OF ISLAM..........................271-288
Material Prosperity and the Apostolic Missions...........271
Islam Guarantees the Welfare of the Temporal World.274
Relations between the Observance of the Religion
and Prosperity...........................................................275
An Essential Condition for Material Prosperity............280
A Confusion and its Removal.......................................285
Friday, September 25, 2015
Hajj stampede: At least 717 killed in Saudi Arabia
At least 717 people taking part in
the Hajj pilgrimage have been killed in a stampede near the Islamic holy
city of Mecca, officials in Saudi Arabia say.
Another 863 people
were injured in the incident at Mina, which occurred as two million
pilgrims were taking part in the Hajj's last major rite.It is the deadliest incident to occur during the pilgrimage in 25 years.
King Salman has ordered an urgent review of this year's Hajj plans "to improve the level of organisation".
The supreme leader of Iran, which lost at least 95 of its citizens in the crush, has criticised Saudi Arabia's preparedness.
It is the second disaster to strike Mecca in two weeks, after a crane collapsed at the Grand Mosque, killing 109 people.
In pictures: Aftermath of the stampede
Accounts from BBC staff in Mina
During the Hajj, pilgrims travel to Mina, a large valley about 5km (3 miles) from Mecca, to throw seven stones at pillars called Jamarat, which represent the devil.
The pillars stand where Satan is believed to have tempted the Prophet Abraham.
At the scene - Tchima Illa Issoufou, BBC Hausa
There were people from Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Senegal among other nationalities. People were just climbing on top of others in order to move to a safer place and that's how some people died.
People were chanting Allah's name while others were crying, including children and infants. People fell on the ground seeking help but there was no-one to give them a helping hand. Everybody seemed to be on their own.
It affected some members of our group. I lost my aunt as a result of the stampede and at the moment, two women from our entourage - a mother and her daughter - are still missing.
Photographs showed the bodies of dozens of pilgrims on the ground, some piled high. They were all dressed in the simple white garments worn during the Hajj.
"Dead bodies stretch as far as my eyes can see," said Bashir Sa'ad Abdullahi, the BBC's Abuja editor, who is in Mina.
The civil defence directorate said the victims were of "different nationalities", without providing details.
As well as victims from Niger witnessed by the BBC's correspondent at the scene, Iran's state news agency, Irna, said at least 95 Iranians were among the dead, with another 150 injured.
The BBC understands at least three Indonesians are among the dead.
Hajj: Previous tragedies
2006: 364 pilgrims die in a crush at foot of Jamarat Bridge in Mina1997: 340 pilgrims are killed when fire fuelled by high winds sweeps through Mina's tent city
1994: 270 pilgrims die in a stampede during the stoning ritual
1990: 1,426 pilgrims, mainly Asian, die in a stampede in an overcrowded tunnel leading to holy sites
1987: 402 people die when security forces break up an anti-US demonstration by Iranian pilgrims
Timeline: Deadliest stampedes
The Saudi health minister, Khaled al-Falih, said the crush occurred because many pilgrims moved "without respecting the timetables" established by authorities.
But Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, said the Saudi government "must accept the huge responsibility for this catastrophe", adding that "mismanagement and improper actions" were to blame.
The UK Foreign Office said it was urgently seeking more information about whether British nationals were involved.
What happens at the Hajj?
- What rituals do pilgrims perform? The pilgrimage takes place in several stages over five days, including circling the Kaaba (a cube-like building in the centre of Mecca's Grand Mosque) en masse and throwing seven stones at pillars called Jamarat which represent the devil.
- How many people go? Well over a million pilgrims from outside Saudi Arabia, and several hundred thousand from inside the kingdom, converge on the site each year.
- How do the authorities cope? Authorities deployed 100,000 security personnel and 25,000 extra health workers this year, as well as 100,000 air-conditioned tents for temporary accommodation.
The Hajj is the fifth and final pillar of Islam. It is the journey that every able-bodied adult Muslim must undertake at least once in their lives if they can afford it.
The number of people attending Hajj rose from 57,000 in 1921 to a high of 3.2m three years ago, according to the Saudi Central Department of Statistics and Information.
That figure dropped to just over two million last year.
Source == = = =
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Thousands come out in support of Muslims as anti-Islam protests erupt in Germany
DRESDEN: As thousands of people participated in anti-Islam rallies in the eastern German city of Dresden this week, other cities like Cologne and Berlin witness counter-demonstrations in support of Muslims.
According to an Al Jazeera report, some 18,000 people gathered in Dresden in support of a new grassroots movement called Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisization of the Occident (PEGIDA) against higher levels of immigration and the Islamization of the West in recent months.
According to an Al Jazeera report, some 18,000 people gathered in Dresden in support of a new grassroots movement called Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisization of the Occident (PEGIDA) against higher levels of immigration and the Islamization of the West in recent months.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
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